Workshop Prague, 29th September
- Presentation of SAVE AGE project
Darko Ferčej download
- Energy performance, needs and obstacles, efficient behaviour, best and worst practice examples
ISR-UC Institute of Systems and Robotics download
- Energy management information system in senior homes in Slovenia
SSZS Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia and ENEKOM, d.o.o., Energy Advisory Institute download
- Behavioural analysis regarding energy efficiency in 100 homes for the elderly in Europe
INGEMA-Matia Gerontological Institute download
- A successful example of a process/method to actively and continuously engage and increase awareness among health care home staff on energy efficiency
ESS - Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden download
- Internal contracting, a financing tool for energy efficiency, structure and examples
Dr. Jürgen Görres and Sandra Langer Office for Environmental Protection, Department for Energy Management download
- Strategy and action plans for energy efficiency in care homes - practical recommendations
Konstantinos Zapounidis, project Manager download
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