
Energy Efficiency: Suggestions Based On Best Practices

Some impressing news and examples illustrate the improvements and opportunities in European residential care homes:


  • Netherlands: A recent survey on the energy saving potential in the Dutch health care sector identified a realistic saving potential of about 25% within nursing and care homes for elderly (TNO, 2010). This implies also a saving potential of 25% on the energy bill.
  • In residential care homes more than 30% of electric energy is consumed by lighting. In Italy many residential care homes plan to use LED solutions for lighting to reduce energy consumption, because LED lamps have an efficiency of 80% (energy-saving lamps: 40%).
  • In Liebenau/Germany a plant to win heat from diapers was installed in 2006 and supplies all commercial and private buildings in the two cities Liebenau and Hegenberg with heat and electricity.
  • Since year 2000 a large heap of snow provides cooling for a hospital in Sweden which has decreased cooling electricity consumption by more than 90%.
  • An overall study for Pieria prefecture in Greece proved a potential energy saving of 61,6% in apartments of the domestic sector, constructed before 1980 (including residential care homes).
  • A LED case study in Portugal based on cost-benefit calculations, shows, that the lighting retrofit yield is about 900 MWh electricity savings per year, with a payback of less than four years.
  • A residential care home for elderly in the Czech Republic changed the way of hot water production and distribution. The energy consumption was reduced by 13,6 % through decreasing the water temperature from 56°C to 50°C . The hot water consumption declined by more than 18%.
  • In Slovenia a pilot project for energy management was established and set in 15 homes. The first results of the project confirmed, that energy savings in homes achieved between 3 to 5 % compared to the previous year.
  • A zero emission building without loss of comfort is a good example in Spain for a model of a green building, sustainability and a reference of the latest technological advances in eco-efficiency.
  • A French study shows the optimization of management of thermal installations. Maintenance and operation of the installations for the production of heat, hot water, cold and steam are key elements for the control of energy consumption in RCHEPs.

Read more detailed information on country related news.

Communication with more than 100 residential care homes in 10 European countries is the basis for the following energy related topics. Most of the residential care homes, which participate in the SAVE AGE project, still take energy saving measures.

All insights and suggestions are strictly committed to the comfort and habits of the residents. The first necessary action is to create awareness on energy consumption in the daily behavior and habits. Creating incentives with concrete targets of energy consumption reduction and the contribution of each employee could be first steps to a successful change of rethink and acting.

Please refer to further information by clicking the following topics.

  • Energy/Air Conditioning
  • Energy/Food Trolleys
  • Energy/Lighting
  • Energy/Windows with Energy-Saving Glass
  • Water /Consumption
  • Water/ Hot Water
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