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Czech Republic

Domov klidného stáří v Žinkovech, Žinkovy show/hide content


Domov pro seniory Pohoda, Netolice show/hide content

Senior- dům Soběslav, Soběslav show/hide content

Domov pro seniory Máj, České Budějovice show/hide content

Centrin CZ s.r.o., Zruč nad Sázavou show/hide content

Domov pro seniory Bechyně, Bechyně show/hide content

Domov seniorů Mistra Křišťana Prachatice, Prachatice show/hide content

Domov důchodců U Zlatého kohouta, Hluboká nad Vltavou show/hide content

G-centrum Tábor, Tábor show/hide content

Palata – domov pro zrakově postižené,Praha – Smíchov show/hide content


Les Jardins d’Arcadie, Annecy Le Vieuxshow/hide content

Résidence Beatrix de Faucigny, CLUSESshow/hide content

Résidence Pierre Paillet, Gruffyshow/hide content

EHPAD La barthavelle, MEYTHETshow/hide content

Résidence le Passy flore, Passyshow/hide content

Résidence les Cèdres, Rumillyshow/hide content

EHPAD Vivre Ensemble, SAINT PIERRE EN FAUCIGNYshow/hide content

Résidence Le Grand Chêne, SEYNODshow/hide content

Ehpad Grange , Taninges show/hide content

Ehpad Les érables, VEIGY FONCENEXshow/hide content


St. Elisabeth Seniorenheim, Berlin show/hide content

Alten- und Pflegeheim St. Jacob, Osterode am Harz show/hide content

Marienheim Schermbeck, Schermbeck show/hide content

Seniorenwohnanlage Schloss Osterstein, Zwickau show/hide content

CBT Wohnhaus Peter Hofer, Monheim-Baumberg show/hide content

CBT Wohnhaus Upladin, Leverkusen show/hide content

Heimstatt St. Barbara, Duisburg-Walsum show/hide content

Altenheim Zamenhof, Stuttgart show/hide content

Pflegeheim Filderhof, Stuttgart show/hide content

Paul-Collmer-Heim, Stuttgart show/hide content


La Residencia Mazaruba, Zaragoza show/hide content

Centro Social Virgen del Pilar, Zaragoza show/hide content

Centro Gerontológico Fraisoro, Zizurkil show/hide content

Residencia 3ª Edad Santa Ana, Burbaguena show/hide content

Residencia para jubilados San Valero, Híjar (Teruel) show/hide content

Residencia 3ª Edad, Sariñena show/hide content

Residencia 3ª Edad Madre de Dios de Begoña, ZARAGOZA show/hide content

Fundación Hospital Almau, Pedrola show/hide content

Residencia 3ª Edad Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Zaragoza show/hide content

Residencia de la 3ª edad Lamourous, Zumarraga show/hide content


CHURCH CARE HOME OF KATERINI METROPOLIS, Svoronos Pierias show/hide content

XARISSEIO HOME FOR THE ELDERY, A. Touba - Thessaloniki show/hide content



ELDER WELFARE HOME, THE SAINTS ANARGYROI, Pagrati, Athens show/hide content

CARE HOME, THEOTOKOS KYKKIOTISSA, Kallithea Pieriasshow/hide content

CARE HOME, THE HOUSE OF COMPANION, Prosotsani Drama show/hide content


CARE HOME OF CHALKIDA, Halkida show/hide content

CARE UNIT FOR THE MATURE AGE, ERATO, Malaki, Volos show/hide content


Il Centro Residenziale Martelli, Figline Valdarno show/hide content

Azienda Publica di Servizi alla Persona San Domenico, Pescia (PT) show/hide content

Casa die Riposo Fossombroni V., Arezzo show/hide content

ASP Pio Campana, Seravezza show/hide content

Centro di degenza Domus meridiana , Laives (BZ) show/hide content

ASP Santa Chiara, Volterra show/hide content

ASP Pia Confraternita della Misericordia, Gaiole in Chianti (Siena) show/hide content

ASP Giovanni XXIII, Bologna show/hide content

ASP Istituto Maria Redditi, Sinalunga (Siena)show/hide content

Casa di riposo Istituto Casa Famiglia Invalidi al lavoro, Cetona (Siena)show/hide content

ASP Opera Pia, 50023 Impruneta (Firenze)show/hide content


Rumah Sayah, Ugchelen show/hide content

De Buitenhof, Amsterdam show/hide content

Verpleeghuis Jan Bonga, Amsterdam show/hide content

Roo van Capelle, Capelle a/d Ijssel show/hide content

Eekhof, Kaatsheuvel show/hide content

Nieuw Sandenburgh, Veere show/hide content

Kempenhof, Valkenswaard show/hide content

De Eschpoort, Enschede show/hide content

Ter Valcke, Goesshow/hide content

Laurens Wonen, Rotterdamshow/hide content

De Engelenburgh, Veenendaalshow/hide content


Santa Casa Misericórdia de Arganil, Arganil show/hide content

Quinta verde – Repouso e lazer, Lda, Carapinheira show/hide content

O cantinho dos meus Velhos, Penacova show/hide content

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Condeixa, Condeixa-a-Nova show/hide content

Lar da Cruz, Sobral Mortágu show/hide content

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra- Centro Rainha Santa Isabel / Lar Stº António, Coimbra show/hide content

Complexo Social Seabra de Castro Lar da Misericordia Seabra Castro, Anadia show/hide content

Centro Social e Paroquial de Ervedal da Beira, Ervedal show/hide content

Lar José Luciano de Castro, Anadia show/hide content

Centro de Apoio a idosos Nossa Sra da Conceição, Fanhais - Nazaré show/hide content


Slottsgården, Sölvesborgshow/hide content

Gerbogården, Sölvesborgshow/hide content

Kvillgården, Högsbyshow/hide content

Välengården, Högsbyshow/hide content

Mogården, Högsbyshow/hide content

Svalan, Sölvesborgshow/hide content

Tärnan, Sölvesborgshow/hide content

Ekebo, Diöshow/hide content

Nicklagården, Älmhultshow/hide content

Almgården, Älmhultshow/hide content


Dom upokojencev Domžale, Domžaleshow/hide content

Dom upokojencev Kranj, Kranjshow/hide content

Dom starejših Logatec, Logatecshow/hide content

Dom upokojencev Podbrdo, Podbrdoshow/hide content

Center slepih, slabovidnih in starejših, Škofja Lokashow/hide content

Dom upokojencev dr. Franceta Bergelja Jesenice, Jeseniceshow/hide content

Dom starejših občanov Fužine, Ljubljanashow/hide content

Dom starejših občanov Črnomelj, Črnomeljshow/hide content

Obalni dom upokojencev Koper, Kopershow/hide content

Dom ob Savinji Celje, Celjeshow/hide content

Dom »Tisje« Šmartno pri Litiji, Šmartno pri Litijishow/hide content

Dom starejših občanov Kamnik, Kamnikshow/hide content

Socialno – varstveni zavod Dutovlje, Dutovljeshow/hide content

Dom starejših občanov Ilirska Bistrica, Ilirska Bistricashow/hide content

Dom za varstvo odraslih Velenje, Velenjeshow/hide content

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