Spain, Seminar Report
Two national events framed in the project SAVE AGE project were celebrated in Spain in order to inform about the project SAVE AGE main aim and first results. Also through them the RCHEPs wer informed about the potential energy savings and energy efficiency within the RCHEPs sector, based on the 10 analysed RCHEPs in Spain. The events consisted of one day event in Zaragoza on 26th April 2012 and another day event in San Sebastian on 17th May 2012. argaiv1595
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Greece, Seminar Report
This report gives an overview of the seminar and training courses organized in Greece, by Pieriki-local development agency, within SAVE AGE project duration.
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Portugal, National Seminar Report
This report gives an overview of the national seminar organized in Portugal in Coimbra, on June 22nd 2012. The SAVE AGE seminar was realized in parallel to the PCEEE 2012 conference, as a parallel session. This short report includes the agenda of the seminar, the minutes, some pictures taken during the event, the list of participants and conclusions.
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Italy, April and May 2012: Seminar in Bozen and workshop in Bologna
During the last months the Italian partners of the SAVE AGE project organized two events to meet the requirements of the national events. The SAVE AGE seminar was part of a bigger event on energy efficiency in Laives Meridiana RCHEP in Bozen, which is also a partner of the SAVE AGE project. Also regarding a national workshop we looked for an important location to capture the attention of the biggest number of care home we could. The Italian partners decided to organize the workshop as part of the biggest Italian event about health called “Expo Sanità” on 19th of May.
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Workshop ‘Sketches for Energy Savings’- Analysis and action for energy savings in residential care homes for elderly- 8 November 2012, ‘s Hertogenbosch
Graag willen we u als de deelnemer aan het project SAVE AGE of als geïnteresseerde op de hoogte houden over de voortgang van het programma. Het EU-project is gestart op initiatief van de Europese koepelorganisatie voor ouderenzorg E.D.E. Het project omvat 10 deelnemende landen, per land zijn er minimaal tien deelnemende instellingen. Financiële ondersteuning is afkomstig uit het programma Intelligent Energy Europe van de Europese Unie.
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The conference was convened to discuss energy savings in residential care homes for elderly people in response to the SAVE AGE project, which was designed to implement a new strategy – use energy in those facilities better, in other words, save energy.
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WORKSHOP REPORT ON SAVE AGE PROJECT - April 26, 2012, Ostrava, Czech Republic
This workshop was convened within the SAVE AGE project, which was designed to implement a new strategy – use energy in residential care homes for elderly people better, in other words, save energy.
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Seminar on systems for targeted monitoring of energy use
On 11th October 2011, the 6th seminar on energy management took place in Bled. The seminar was organized by Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia and Enekom, Energy Advisory Institute. It was attended by more than 80 representatives of social institutions (directors, technical staff in charge of energetics), municipalities, local energy agencies, as well as Enekom’s business partners, who have been successfully cooperating with them in the field of energy management. The seminar was divided into three parts: the first one dealt with achieving business excellence through efficient energy consumption, the second one with energy efficiency and systems for energy management, and the third one with financial stimulations and the future of energy management.
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SAVE AGE Italy helps children to teach the adults in energy saving.
Figline Valdarno, June 2012 - As SAVE AGE began, in Italy we started to disseminate the most important message : “Save energy inside your life”, and we decided to start with our future, the children. In autumn 2011, ASP Martelli presented paintings at an important exhibition for services and innovation in Figline Valdarno, called Autumnia.
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Energy Savings in the Residential Home for the Visually Impaired Palata, Prague
An expert conference focused on energy saving in residential care institutions took place in ILF Hotel, Prague. About 50 participants, mostly directors and managers of these institutions, attended this event on May 29, 2012. Contributions to inform about the SAVE AGE project and its outcomes, current trends in building energetics and related legislation changes were not the only issues introduced. There was also given an example of specific experience with energy saving measures in a social care institution in the Czech Republic.
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