WP 5 Communication
AIM Project consortium understands disseminations activities as one of the most importance. Communication is to be implemented at 2 levels: on the national level (in national language) and on the EU level in English. Two main types of information are to be disseminated: (1) information about energy efficiency and (2) information about the project and its positive results. The most important target groups are: argaiv1595
- Building Managers of Homes for elderly people as general managers, facility and energy manager, other similar institutions (hospitals, health care homes, mental institutions, prisons…)
- Inhabitants of homes for elderly, their visitors, directly employed staff and General public will be informed through general dissemination activities and through their elder relatives. Local, national and international NGOs will be informed by direct e-mailing and web site.
- Authorities: National and EU decision makers are important target group, because their raised awareness can contribute to allocation of resources and stimulate energy investment, especially in public owned residential homes.
- The private sector: Commercial companies, energy advisors, banks are to be included in the dissemination activities in order to support energy efficient investments in homes.
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